Early this an unnamed app developer from Delhi revealed that he had owned the jiohotstar domain since 2023. No one ever anticipated that this would happen and that JioCinema and Disney+Hotstar will be merged. With the expected merger creating a new streaming giant, the techie offered to sell the domain to Reliance Industries, the parent firm of Jio, for ₹1 crore—the price of their dream course at Cambridge University. However, Reliance's attitude was far from accommodating; they threatened legal action for claimed copyright violation. Despite claiming that they had not breached any copyrights, the techie expressed a lack of resources to take with the corporate juggernaut and declared that the website would be pulled offline soon. The developer stated that he needed the money to pursue studies abroad.
"I bought this domain hoping that if a merger happens, I might be able to fulfill my dream of studying at Cambridge," he wrote, signing his message as "a dreamer." However, he stated that Reliance has yet to accept his demand, and he was unable to pursue legal action, despite expressing an interest in getting legal assistance.
Facing family pressure, he posted: "My folks are quite concerned. I didn't expect it to go so viral. Handling a legal struggle is one thing, but dealing with concerned parents is difficult. "That was quite a day."
The story takes an unexpected turn. As we know the owner of the jiohotstar domain was an unnamed app developer from Delhi but now the developer has sold the domain to Jainam and Jivika – siblings from Dubai, UAE. In an unexpected turn of events, the website has now become a forum for two young philanthropists from Dubai, Jainam and Jivika. "Welcome to Our Journey of Seva," reads the new masthead. Their sincere message reads: "Hello!" We are Jainam and Jivika, siblings from Dubai, UAE, with a mission to make a difference. Even though we are only children, we think that promoting love and optimism is not limited by age."
The twins described their recent trip to India, where they spent 50 transforming days meeting with youngsters from various circumstances, instilling a love of learning, and inspiring their peers to dream big. The new page includes images of Jainam and Jivika, as well as YouTube videos documenting their efforts to organize events and inspire other children.