Akira Toriyama established the Japanese media series Dragon Ball in 1984. Toei Animation has produced six anime versions based on the franchise: Dragon Ball (1986), Dragon Ball Z (1989), Dragon Ball GT (1996), Dragon Ball Super (2015), and the latest series Dragon Ball Daima (2024), followed by the web series Super Dragon Ball Heroes (2018). Since 1986, twenty-one theatrical animated films based on the brand have been released, including four based on the original Dragon Ball anime, fifteen on Dragon Ball Z, and two on Dragon Ball Super. There have also been various television specials broadcast on Fuji TV, as well as two short films shown at the 2008 Jump Super Anime Tour and the 2012 Jump Festa. (Dragon Ball Daima is the last series of Akira Toriyama because he died in 2024 that's why this will be the end of the Dragon Ball franchise and for its fans.
About Dragon Ball Daima
Dragon Ball DAIMA has only recently begun, and its research and exhibition of the Demon Realm has been limited to this time. However, Dragon Ball DAIMA's opening and closing credits provide a more expansive perspective of this realm, giving the idea that it is the size of a complete universe. The Demon Realm appears to include different planets, as well as diverse flora and fauna. This implies that the Demon Realm is a solar system-like phenomenon, rather than simply a demonic counterpart for the Other World. There's a lot to see and do here, and it's unlikely that a single squad of heroes could cover it all.
In Dragon Ball Daima Episode #1, King Gomah and Degesu study clips that tell them about the presence of Earth's Z fighters. Although they are relieved that tremendous antagonists including Majin Buu, Babidi, and the former Demon King Dabura have been defeated, they are concerned that Goku and his companions, who have overcome such tough opponents, may jeopardize their position at the top of the demon hierarchy. This fear motivates them to employ Earth's Dragon Balls to turn Goku and his allies into younger versions of themselves. However, the episode does reveal that the Demon Realm has its own Dragon Balls.
Interestingly, Gomah and Degesu avoid utilizing their realm's Dragon Balls not because they lack power, but because of the intense guardianship of the Tamagamis, soldiers particularly created to protect them by Neva, a Namekian of Dragon Ball's Demon Realm. The existence of these different Dragon Balls boosts the potential that the dragons they call will have a demonic look, which fits the Demon Realm's gloomy ethos. Gomah and his comrades will undoubtedly lose to the Z fighters. This revelation suggests that Gomah and his supporters may use these Dragon Balls as a last option, summoning a massive demonic dragon to turn the tide against the Z Fighters.
What could be the Ending of Dragon Ball Daima?
As the story continuous we can see that Goku and the z Fighters are Finding a way to get to their normal size and there will be more challenges await them as a dragon ball fan I have a theory that may be possible that could happen so the theory is Goku and Vegeta will be facing a demon much stronger to them and they are trying to beat that demon and they would be able to do but with some other transformation or with the help or heron point to be noted here this is only a theory a fan-made theory or other scene is that Goku and all his friends well get new dragon balls or there own dragon balls to get back to there an original size that all.