According to Bloomberg, the Department of Justice has been forcing Google to sell its web browser, also known as Google Chrome, which is a world-famous web browser. The DOJ is asking Amit Mehta to judge over the United States vs. Google antitrust case and to be assured that Google has to sell Chrome no matter what happens. Amit Mehta has ruled in favor of the US government, and 17 states have joined the lawsuit.
The US government is putting everything on the scale so they can harm the customers and the businesses that can be affected as the developers and American leadership precisely. Chrome's web traffic is around 64% of the global market share in October. Meanwhile, the Google search engine is used around the world, and Google search coners 90% of its share.
Google's vice president of regulatory relations. Mulholland stated, "The government's thumb on the scale in these ways would harm developers, consumers, and American technological leadership at its most critical."